Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Purpose Of A Positive Mentality By Z.d. Simmons

     Why have a positive mentality? Well, really it's up to you! If everything is going well by you speaking words of doubt and fear, go on! Many don't realize it but, we have all been programmed from the moment we were born. Even a mother speaking words over her unborn child is programming it.
    Programming can be positive or negative. It's simple, good words are positive  and bad words are negative. Both words bring about the Universal Law of: Cause and Effect. Words get forces moving for you or against you. Have you ever noticed that when you are negative you feel bad, look bad, get depressed, and get into arguments? Bad and negative people are drawn to you and things get worse. Your health suffer as a result. You stop doing things to help yourself and your life. All of sudden, you stop caring. Then your relationships suffer and your life is a mess.
     If you are into meditation and worship you will stop your prayers and attendance. Not only will your body and mind suffer but, your spirit as well. You may wonder, all of this from my negative words? The answer is, yes. For example, if a child is disobedient, they are not bad, they are mislead.
     Mislead (deceived) by the forces around them or circumstance. It complicate things when they are called bad and no good. The words we say form pictures or  movies in our minds. This is called visualization. We more often do it over bad things instead of good.
     When a person, especially a child is called bad, they see themselves as not making the mark and not being good enough for their parents approval. When they are called no good. they see that the things they do will never turn out right. The words can't mean you never will and sorry means you are beyond lazy, not worth living. Anyone living like this is in total misery. These words are worse when they come from family and so-called friends.
    Those are some examples of how negative words will tear your life apart. Those bad effects may seem like they happened overnight but, they didn't. A few months or a few years of negative words, pictures, music, and circumstances will make the world of trouble like it is today. Have you ever noticed aids didn't get worse until the news started talking about it. Ebola got worse, gun violence got worse.
     Why did that happen? Negative words bring out or release the forces of fear. Have you ever noticed that fear paralyzes? If you are afraid you can't move or think. Not moving or thinking is bad if the situation calls for action.
     Fear of failure will make a person not act on what needs to be done. They see mental movies of themselves failing and what will be said about them. Really, people could care less. This is called a failure mentality. That is part of the negative mentality.
     Do you know people talk themselves into sickness also? For example, if someone say diabetics run in the family, it usually happen. You don't have to accept it. You can do what is necessary to prevent it. Circumstances can be turned around.
    Lets take the flu, for example. If someone says, "Me and my family catch the flu every year at this time, it happens." Because of the Law of: Cause and Effect.  Our words give form to the energy around us and cause the effects or manifestation to happen. What can I do yo make things better?
     Well, first of all, you must realize that words have made your life as you know it! You have the power to make the change. All you have to do is, change what comes out of your mouth. This would have to mean that you must change your thinking. You must change how you are on the inside.
    Remember, it took years for all that negative programming to create your life. Changing will not happen overnight, it is a process. Secondly, we must go about replacing the negative with the positive programming. Write down on a piece of paper, "I have the power to change for the better." Say this three times verbally (with your mouth), close your eyes and say it three times mentally, and at the same time see (visualize) your life the way you want to to be.
     Thirdly, write under that statement anything you want to change or your goals. Say each one the same way and visualize yourself or goal the way you want it. You are in effect, making a mental movie of your future life and the words you say are making it manifest. Even the BIBLE  in Mark 11:23 (KJV), it say, "For verily I say to you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be ye cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things will come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith."
     Whatsoever mean, that anything you say can and will happen. I would rather have good things in my life. To make lasting change, do the above technique for 30 days. You will find ideas will pop into your mind about how you are to accomplish your goals. Also you will have a positive mentality and things will happen.
    Just a note. I have been saying my positive words for three months, that's over 90 days! My family life is better, I've lost about 10 pounds of fat, and my finances are improving. I am constantly in THE WORD, and things are better. Every time I hear or see something negative, I verbalize something positive, close my eyes, say it mentally and visualize a positive outcome. It works people, it works.
      If you are running, walking, or working visualize with your eyes open. It works for me and I will continue to Sspeak my goals and mark them off as I complete them.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Failure Do Not Have To Be An Option, By James Jones

     Failure is the easiest thing in the universe to do. Why fail? Because you don't work at it or put effort into it. All you have to do is nothing. What can cause failure?
    If you try to do something and fail you are not a failure unless you never try again. People who fail have no expectation. If they do it is based on foundations that are not secure. In other words, they have unrealistic goals. If what you are doing doesn't work one way, do it another way.
     A lot of people continue to do a specific thing the same way and never get the result they want. They quit and fail. Do the same thing a different way, eventually you will succeed. The story goes that, Thomas Edison tried over 10,000 times to create the lightbulb and failed. It was on the 10,001 time that he succeeded.
    This only mean that, you never give up. Failure is not an option, it doesn't have to be. Write down your goals, say them 3 times daily and nightly before sleeping. Have them always before you. Create a success mentality.
     Add also visualization. For example, say the thing you want to accomplish three times verbally , then close your eyes and say it 3 times mentally while you visualize  things the way you want them to be. Do this 30 days. You will find that you will be more likely to stick to whatever you have to do to accomplish you goal.

   NOTE: Make this a habit beyond the 30 days, there's no telling what all you will be able to accomplish.